I filmed and edited this video as a direct result of A.D.D. and my obsession with Batman Returns/ Michelle Pfeiffer’s Catwoman. My adoration for this character is not unique. What is it about this character that so many gay folk connect to? I think it stems from her overcoming her ho-hum life and struggle, then empowering herself and kicking ass. She is clearly “flawed” and she wears it on her ripped, stitched up sleeve. She is repeatedly faced with hardship and tragedy, yet always manages to land on her feet (paws?) 🐱. That, and she is just simply fierce AF! I hope you enjoy this as much as I do. ********** #batmanreturns #catwoman #selinakyle #lipsync #drag #dragqueen #worldofwonder #rpdr #dragula @michellepfeifferofficial ************ Wig by @wigsbytips Out fit: collaboration with @lucianddona
January 13, 2020